Pinega, Northern Russia.AGE:
Late Permian, Zone II, 250 million years ago
About the size of a domestic dog
'The ninth reptile'
PELYCOSAURIA: Caseamorpha; Caseidae
Represented by a skeleton of a juvenile
individual and the skull of an adult primitive,
herbivorous reptile, in the family Caseidae.
Although large numbers of individuals
of this species have been found concentrated in a
sandstone layer at the Pinega Locality, no other species
occur there.
Accumulations of numerous individuals of a single species
suggest that a group of animals living together were
killed by a single event. The site where these fossils
occurred is thought to have been a beach of a very large
island at the time the animals were alive.
Ennatosaurus tecton was not a
therapsid like all of the other mammal-like reptiles on
display in this exhibition. Rather, it was an herbivorous
member of the pelycosaurs, the more primitive group of
mammal-like reptiles out of which the therapsids evolved.