Skeleton, skull and skin impression from Altan Ula, Gobi
Desert, southern MongoliaAGE:
Late Cretaceous (Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian),
Nemegt Formation, 70 million years ago
10 metres long
'Crested or ridged reptile'
ORNITHOPODA: Hadrosauridae; Hadrosaurinae
Saurolophus is also well known
in North America. There, as in Mongolia, it is common in
flood plain deposits.
Although not the largest hadrosaur or
duck-billed dinosaur, that honour goes to Shantungosaurus
giganteus from China, Saurolophus angustirostris
was still one of the biggest.
For some reason, skin impressions of
hadrosaurs are rather common both in North America and
Central Asia. They show that these animals had a scale
pattern typical of reptiles. There is no suggestion of
hair, feathers, or any other insulating external body
Saurolophus had a horny beak
that lacked any teeth with a battery of cheek teeth good
for processing resistant vegetation. The outside three
fingers of the hand were joined in a fleshy 'mitten' and
the two inner fingers had sizeable, stout claws. The
skull bones at the back of the head formed a spike, which
continued behind the head. The back was stiff because of
the bony tendons that cries-crossed between the neural
spines of the vertebrae, and the tail was flattened side
to side.
Palaeontologists think that Saurolophus
spent part of the time walking as a quadraped on four
legs, while at other times, perhaps when travelling fast,
walking upright on its hind legs only The flattened tail
and the paddle-like hands suggest that this duck-billed
hadrosaur spent part of its life in water.
In the exhibition you would see:
Saurolophus skin impression
showing that these dinosaurs had scaled skin like living
Nest of duck-billed dinosaur eggs from
Gooreeleen Tsav, Southern Mongolia.